
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dissociative Identity Disorder

For Unit 2 of my disease course we went over learning about diseases of the mind or just mental disorders, the main one we focused a lot on was Autism. For that we learned about Autism is how it affects people personally and how they deal with it. Then we learned about Schizophrenia and how that affects someone, and actually did some simulations for it, just to experience what it can be like. We also learned about the DSM-V, and how that has a lot of mental disorders and is a guide book for psychiatrists for them to diagnosis people with a mental disorder. For our action project, we had to pick a mental disorder and then create a simulation for it to present in class to our classmates. We also had to make a flier containing stats, misconceptions, and ways to seek help. The one I picked was Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), which is when a person will have separate personalities. The purpose of this was to see how we can make are own simulation that other people can use if they find this. I actually really enjoyed this action project because it was a good challenge to make my classmates see what it is like with Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Scientific Definition of Dissociative Identity Disorder: “Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in—and alternately take control of—an individual.” - Psychology Today.

My interpretation: When there are separate personalities in one body, and they act very differently.

Later, I had another incident. My friend messaged me on Facebook to apologize that she couldn’t make our plans that day. I asked her, “What plans?” She explained to me that we had made plans to hang out. The next time I saw her I told her that we had never made plans. I was sure of it. She showed me the text conversation we had had, and I had no memory what-so-ever of having had that conversation.” - Sherry Polly

Above is a quote that can show what people with this disorder might experience and how it can really affect normal day life. Now people can get this disorder from child abuse at a really young, because since their personalities are still developing they might act dissociate personalities to make this situation in their eyes better.  

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Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder)” Psychology Today. 11-24-14

Sherry Polly “Losing Time With Dissociative Identity Disorder” America’s Mental Health Channel. Feb 1, 2015.

Dissociative Identity Disorder” National Alliance on Mental Illness. n.d.


AlwaysAnUnquietMind “Dissociative Identity Disorder” n.d.

04Mukti “Dissociative Identity Disorder” n.d.

Gemma Taylor “Dissociative (Multiple) Personality Disorder Awareness” Aug 3, 2009

"Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde poster edit2" by Chicago : National Prtg. & Engr. Co.Modifications by Papa Lima Whiskey

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