
Sunday, September 21, 2014


For unit 1 of my Stories class, we went over myths,etiologies, adverbs, adjectives, and sensory imagery. For the action project we went had to create a planet and describe it using different types of descriptive language. The planet I created is called Htrae which is Earth backwards and it is the opposite of Earth. The purpose of this was to see how writers use descriptive language to get the reader to see and feel the setting they are talking about. What I am proud about is getting to make a story/setting with my own personal touch in it. I learned better ways to use descriptive language.

NVA, "Htrae Setting" 2014, Chicago

There is a planet in the O.P. galaxy named Htrae where everything is the opposite of Earth. This world came into being the exact way we thought our own Universe was born through the the Big Bang. Only, in our world we didn’t catch one thing, and that was when the bang went off it also created parallel universes. We earthlings weren't even sure that this happened because it can’t actually be seen. Similar to how the big bang works, it is always expanding and making new worlds. Every time there is an event, thought, feeling, there will be a new universe that goes against that. Htrae was one that came into being.

One of the most unique thing about Htrae is that everything that was thought to be fake in our world is a reality, and that reality is also switched. So, all the twelve powerful Olympian gods of Greece are real, except that Hades, rather Sedah, is the main god. The other eleven were angrily killed off by Sedah who can control everything in our world, and from his pain makes everything suffer like a dictator punishing his subjects. When he does his torture it is worse than almost drowning.

The environment of Htrae is as wretched as its god. Sedah controls the weather so that everything in the sky is a dark grey, and it rains once a week. The depression in the sky is worse than seeing your favorite TV show end. Sedah likes watching everything suffer and he got tired of having to use so much time to do this, so he softly transferred his power to make life forms to a gross dark green and grey decaying form to the rain. Like I said it would rain once a week and that is because, if people aren't affected by the decaying form they will start to become more powerful every two weeks. The rain was like a reset button for everything.

Because this planet is the opposite of earth, there is no water on Htrae, meaning that no life forms drink water. Htraens also don’t eat because they are always in decay and can't eat anything when everything else is also in a gross black decaying form. But, every day before the rain starts up the life forms get one meal. That one meal is like the last day of summer for every creature. The meal is usually really nice, it is meat and vegetables. He lets them have the one meal mainly because he wants them alive, but likes them to suffer. Also there are no hills or mountains because Sedah doesn’t want anything to get higher than  10,000 ft. This is so because if any creature got to the dark skies, they could quickly pray for Suez and help the powerful god rise again. If they ever got to the skies it would be like becoming a millionaire. For Sedah it would worse than breaking a priceless jewel. This is why he made it to where nothing can fly. Sedah has thought everything and he plans to keep it that way for eternity.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Atractosteus Spatula

For unit 1 of my new class Population, we have been learning about different ways we could use Venn diagrams to help with math, how to use sets when talking about math and using different symbols, and taxonomy which is the way to identify/name an animal. We also studied Jane Goodall by reading In Shadow of Man and seeing how she worked with the Chimps.The way scientist use taxonomy is by looking at the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species, and these all have something that tells us how to specifically pick out an animal. For the action project, my teacher gave us a list of animals and everyone had to pick one animal. I happened to pick the Alligator Gar. Once, we had our animal we would have to then find out what Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species they belonged to. Then we would talk to other classmates and create a Venn diagram comparing the animals. Next we would have to make different sets and show how they belong to this set. Then, to show how our animal looked, we had to create a mosaic of our animal. The purpose of this was to see how scientists who classifies animals would do it.

NVA. "Alligator Gar" (2014)

NVA "Alligator Gar Venn Diagram" (2014)

NVA "Alligator Gar Set Notation" (2014)