
Monday, February 10, 2014

How Is It Going To End?

For this Who Am I action project, everyone had to come up with a guiding question that related to different parts of the unit. What I came up with was How is it going to end? The purpose of this action project was to see how a guiding question could relate to a persons doubt. What I learned was that when it comes to this questions, different religions say something different. While all scientists mainly agree on that the sun will be are end. The challenge of this action project was finding different religious views.

                                                      Celestia. "Red Giant" 2013. Internet: Wikipedia

My guiding questions is, How is it going to end? I arrived at this question because in The Truman Show he didn’t know what was going to happen to him when he found that he was being watched. Just like Descartes he wanted to know how it was going to end for him. Truman doubted that everyone around him were actually people he could trust, because he knew that it was all an act. Also that he couldn't control his life without being watched. In the end he does regain his control of his life and leaves to start a new life. Descartes wondered how man came to be and how our lives would end. 

I was compelled by the importance of this question because, this question is something that everyone wonders. No one can really tell you or someone what their life is going to turn out to be or how life would actually end. There is always something that can happen to change everything that is planned. I want to pursue this question because, I always want to know how it will actually end because people from different backgrounds have different answers. Philosophers can answer this questions because they think about how we began and how it will end. Then the philosophy would go into two categories, religion and science. Scientists would answer this question by studying space and how everything works outside of earth. Scientists answer this by stating that the sun will expand and kill off everything. While, religion would answer the question by focusing the question on the second coming.

My question is universal and is relevant to all humanity because, everyone wonders at one point in their life, how their lives is going to end up or how their life might end? Also that everyone has different answers, whether it would be religious or scientific. Many religions think it will be when God or evil, comes to the real world. In Christianity they believe that everyone will exist until the second coming, which is when Jesus Christ would come back to the real world. Or in Buddhism, we will be the cause of our own end. Scientists believe that the world will end by the sun becoming a Red Giant and kill everyone and everything.

In the end, there is no real answer to how the world will end. It could be the sun turning into a red giant of it could be the second coming. Anything could happen to the world and we might not have full control of it, but maybe like Truman we can regain our control.

The Science of the Real End of the World.” Ethan Siegel. Science Blogs. 12-20-12. Retrieved 2-7-14

Eschatology.” n.p. Wikipedia. 2014. Retrieved 2-7-14

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