In this MDG project I had to write a poem about water resources for wildlife. The most challenging part about this getting my data in the poem without it sounding very boring. Another challenge was doing my interview with the Friends of the Chicago River, which toke me three days to get done.The thing I liked the most was creating my visual.
Animals, plants, humans
Mother natures pride jewels...
Humans not so much.
We are wrecking every single cycle that nature has created,
We cut down her forests and jungles,
We pollute her waters,
We kill her animals!
Polluting her waters has done the most damage
We have even hurt ourselves by this
Toxins are put in are water everyday,
The level of toxins put in lake superior have double every 3-4 years, since 1980-2000,
There are 362 chemical contaminants in the great lakes, ⅓ have effects on wildlife,
20% of the shoreline of the great lakes are due to sediment contamination.
What we need to do now!, is STOP putting toxins in the lakes,
The Friends of the Chicago River have started to help do this and many other organizations,
They are doing more than people think and we need to take action and help them,
You can also help out in forest preserves, and build little homes for the animals in that live in the area,
They are doing their part in helping us restore mother nature are you going to?
“Issues” Friends of the Chicago River, n.d.
“Toxic Substances control: Falling the Great Lakes” Safer chemical Healthy Family Resources, n.d.

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