
Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Daily Water Usage vs. the UK

For the Water course, I calculated my daily water usage and compared it to the daily water usage in the UK. Then, I created a poster with the data I collected.

On my poster, there is a man who is supposed to be me and the will have my four categories (Hygiene, Bathroom, Cleaning, and Drinking), with all the gallons and percentages next to the man. Next to that I have a picture of the UK and the categories with the gallons with the percentages.

I would help save water by taking shorter showers and not leaving the water on while I'm brushing my teeth, which I think is a bad habit to get into. Also, when I'm cleaning, I use a lot more water then I need. If I do this, I can help the world be a better place, so people don't use too much water.  I would tell people how much they use to help them use less as well.

Research shows that 63% of water in the UK is used for hygiene, 21% for cleaning, 12% for outdoor things, and 4% for drinking.  My water usage came out to 52 gals to Hygiene, 6 gals to bathroom, 4 gals to cleaning, and 1 gal to drinking water.  In conclusion, I found that people in many countries (the U.S. being a huge one) use much more water than we really need. We just think we need that much. The UK also uses a lot of water, but not nearly as much as the U.S. 
NVA. (2013) Water Consumption Poster. Chicago: GCE.

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